Published in the following research

  1. Azimuddin K. Rosen L, Reed JF III, Khubchandani ITK, Stasik JJ. Riether RD, READMISSION AFTER COLORECTAL SURGERY Cannot Be Predicted. Diseases of the Colon and Rectum, 2001; 44:7, 942-946.
  2. Azimuddin K, Rosen L, Reed JF III. COMPUTERIZED ASSESSMENT OF COMPLICATIONS AFTER COLORECTAL SURGERY: Is It Valid? Diseases of the Colon and Rectum, 2001; 44:4, 500-505.
  3. Gorski T, Rosen L, Lawrence S, Helfrich D, Reed J. Usefulness of a STATE-LEGISLATED DATABASE to Evaluate Quality in Colorectal Surgery. Diseases of the Colon and Rectum, Nov. 1999; 42:11, 1381-1387.
  4. Rosen L, Stasik JJ, Reed JF, Olenwine JA, Aronoff JS, Sherman D. Variations in Colon and Rectal Surgical Mortality: COMPARISON OF SPECIALTIES with a State-Legislated Database. Diseases of the Colon and Rectum, 1996;39:2, 129-135.
