Published in the following research
- Rakhmanine, MI, Rosen L, Riether, Stasik JJ, Khubchandani IT. Lateral Mucosal Advancement Anoplasty for ANAL STRICTURE. British Journal of Surgery 2002;89:1423-1424.
- Invited Commentary. Khubchandani IT. WHITEHEAD’S HEMORRHOIDECTOMY. A Useful Surgical Procedure in Selected cases. Techniques in Coloproctology, Rome, Italy. August 2001, 5:2; p 96.
- Invited Commentary. Khubchandani IT. Randomized Clinical Trial of Micronized Flavonoids in Early Control of BLEEDING FROM ACUTE INTERNAL HEMORRHOIDS – Techniques in Coloproctology, British Journal of Surgery (2000), February 2001.
- Khubchandani, IT. Closed Hemorrhoidectomy. In: Charles V. Mann (Ed), Surgical TREATMENT OF HAEMORRHOIDS, Publisher: London, Springer, 2001.
- Azimuddin K, Stasik JJ, Rosen L, Riether RD, Khubchandani I. DIEULAFOY’S LESION OF THE ANAL CANAL: A New Clinical Entity. Report of Two Cases. Diseases of the Colon and Rectum, March 2000; 43:3, 423-426.
- Clancy JP, Khubchandani IT. GRANULAR CELL TUMOR of the rectum: Case Report. Contemporary Surgery for Residents. 1996; 4(4):7-9.
- Khubchandani IT, Sangwan YP. Management of Difficult ANAL FISTULAE. In: Recent Advances in Surgery-5. New Delhi, India: Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers Ltd., 1996, pp. 199-207.
- Rosen L. Recurrent FISTULA-IN-ANO. In Wexner SB and Vernava AM, eds.: Clinical Decision-Making in Colorectal Surgery. New York: Igaku-Shoin, 1995.
- Rosen L. RETRORECTAL NEOPLASMS. In Sugarbaker P: Pelvic Surgery and Treatment for Cancer, 1994.
- Rosen L. Anorectal ABSCESS-FISTULAE. Surgical Clinics of North America, Dec. 1994; 74:6, 1293-1307.
- Sangwan YP, Rosen L, Riether RD, Stasik JJ, Sheets JA, Khubchandani IT. Is Simple FISTULA-IN-ANO Simple? Diseases of the Colon and Rectum, 1994; 37:9, 885-889.
- Khubchandani IT. Anal Stenosis. Surgical Clinics of North America 1994;74:6, 1353-1360.
- Rosen L, Sipe P, Stasik JJ, Riether RD, Trimpi HD. Outcome of Delayed Hemorrhage Following Surgical Hemorrhoidectomy. Diseases of the Colon and Rectum, 1993;36:8, 743-746.
- Rosen L. TRANSANAL EXCISION. In Bauer et al: Atlas of Colon & Rectal Surgery, 1993.
- Khubchandani IT. FISSURE in Ano. In: Editora Escaleno, LTD. Coloproctologia Conceitos. Goiania, Brazil, 1993. Ed
- Rex JC, Khubchandani IT. RECTOVAGINAL FISTULA Complication of Low Anterior Resection. Diseases of the Colon and Rectum, 1992;35:4, 354-356.
- Invited Commentary — Is Routine PATHOLOGIC EVALUATION OF HEMORRHOIDECTOMY Specimens Justified? Cataldo PA, MacKeigan JM. OMP Clinical Series in Colon & Rectal Surgery Outlook, 5:4, 1992.
- Morgado P., Khubchandani IT. HEMORRHOIDECTOMY in the Nineties. Still a Good Operation. Coloproctology 1993; 15:331-332.
- Sheikh F, Khubchandani IT, Rosen L, Sheets JA, Stasik JJ. Is ANORECTAL SURGERY ON CHRONIC DIALYSIS PATIENTS Risky? Diseases of the Colon and Rectum, 1992;35:1, 56-58.
- Saleeby RG, Rosen L, Stasik JJ, Riether RD, Sheets JA, Khubchandani IT. HEMORRHOIDECTOMY DURING PREGNANCY: Risk or Relief? Diseases of the Colon and Rectum 1991;34:3, 260-261.
- Khubchandani IT. Efficacy and Tolerance of 5-Amino Salicylic Acid Suppositories in the Treatment of ULCERATIVE PROCTITIS: A Review of Two Double-Blind, Placebo Controlled Trials. Canadian Journal of Gastroenterology, 1990;4:472-475.
- Russel R, Rosen L, Khubchandani IT, Sheets J, Stasik J, Riether R. Are We Ready for AMBULATORY ANORECTAL SURGERY? Colo-proctology, 1990;12:296-269.
- Rosen L. PHYSICAL EXAMINATION OF THE ANORECTUM: A Systematic Technique. Diseases of the Colon and Rectum, 1990;33:439-440.
- Ustynoski K, Rosen L, Stasik J, Riether R, Sheets J, Khubchandani IT. HORESEHOE ABSCESS FISTULA: Seton Treatment. Disease of the Colon and Rectum, 1990;33:7, 602-605.
- Khubchandani IT, Reed JF. Sequelae of INTERNAL SPHINCTEROTOMY for Chronic Fissure-In-Ano. British Journal of Surgery 1989;76:431-434.
- Rosen L. ANOPLASTY. Surgical Clinics of North America, 1988;68:6, 1441-1446.
- Rosen L. Surgical Treatment of SQUAMOUS CELL CANCER OF THE ANUS. Cancer Forum, HealthEast Hospitals, Lehigh Valley Hospital, Fall 1987.
- Verazin GT, Rosen L, Khubchandani IT, Sheets JA, Stasik JJ, Riether RD. RECTORECTAL TUMOR: Is Biopsy Risky? South Medical Journal 1986;79:11, 1437-1439.
- Held DK, Khubchandani IT, Sheets JA, Stasik JJ, Rosen L, Riether RD. Management of ANORECTAL HORSESHOE ABSCESS AND FISTULA. Diseases of the Colon and Rectum 1986;29:793-797.
- Khubchandani IT. CHRONIC FISSURE IN ANO. In: Fischer JE, ed. Common Problems in Gastrointestinal Surgery. Chicago: Yearbook Medical Publishers, December 1988.
- Khubchandani, IT. OPERATIVE HEMORRHOIDECTOMY. Surgical Clinics of North America, 1988;68:6, 1411-1416.
- Rosen L. V-Y Advancement for ANAL ECTROPION. Diseases of the Colon and Rectum, 1986;29:596-598.
- Rosen L, Khubchandani IT, Sheets JA, Stasik JJ, Riether RD. Management of ANAL INCONTINENCE. American Family Physician, 1986;33:3, 129-137.
- Cohen M, Rosen L, Khubchandani I, Sheets J, Stasik J, Riether R. Rationale for Medical or Surgical Therapy in ANAL INCONTINENCE. Diseases of the Colon and Rectum, 1986; 29:120-122.
- Khubchandani IT. Mucosal Advancement ANOPLASTY. Diseases of the Colon and Rectum, 1985;28:194-196.
- Khubchandani IT. SAVE THE RECTUM. Coloproctology (editorial) 1985.
- Khubchandani IT. A Randomized Comparison of Single and Multiple RUBBER BAND LIGATIONS. Diseases of the Colon and Rectum, 1983;26:11, 705-708.
- Khubchandani IT, Sheets JA, Stasik JJ, Hakki AR. Endorectal Repair of RECTOCELE. Diseases of the Colon Rectum, 1983;26:12, 792-796.
- McConnell JC, Khubchandani IT. Long term Follow up of CLOSED HEMORRHOIDECTOMY. Diseases of the Colon and Rectum, 1983;26:11, 797-799.
- Trimpi HD, Khubchandani IT, Sheets JA, Stasik JJ. Guide to the Management of RECTAL ABSCESSES. Hospital Medicine 1976;79?88.
- Khubchandani IT, Trimpi HD, Sheets JA. Evaluation of Polyglycolic Acid Suture Vs. Catgut in CLOSED HEMORRHOIDECTOMY with Local Anesthesia. Southern Medical Journal, 1974;67:1504-1506.
- Khubchandani IT, Trimpi HD, Sheets JA. CLOSED HEMORRHOIDECTOMY with Local Aanesthesia. Surgery of Gynecology and Obstetrics 1972;135:955-957.
- Khubchandani IT, Trimpi HD, Sheets JA. VON RECKLINGHAUSEN’S with Involvement of the Rectum: Report of a Case. Diseases of the Colon and Rectum, 1972;15:459-460.
- Prager D, Khubchandani IT, Trimpi HD, Marvin PV. Proctologic Disorders and HEMATOLOGIC DISEASES. Diseases of the Colon and Rectum 197l;14:1, 4?11.