Common questions and answers that you may have about your visit.
When you call the office during business hours, you will be referred to the person most capable of answering your questions, whether about scheduling, billing, test results, etc.
The doctors are on call nights and weekends for any emergency. By calling the office phone, our answering service will reach the doctor who will return your call. If you feel that you must go directly to the hospital Emergency Room, ask for our group upon arrival and we will be contacted.
If you are experiencing pain or bleeding or any symptoms of discomfort, one of our doctors will see you that day.
After your initial consultation, a medical assistant will escort you to an examining room and prepare you for examination.
We are sensitive to patient concerns relative to rectal examinations. Sigmoidoscopy is not usually considered to be a painful examination. It may be somewhat uncomfortable, similar to gas pain in the stomach, but lasts only for a minute or two.
Helpful information to know about getting a colonscopy.
Yes, we use three or four different cleansing methods – liquid laxatives, water and pills, or sometimes an enema – whatever preference suits the patient.
If you have not been given a report time when we scheduled your procedure, you will receive a phone call on the day prior to your procedure. In the event that you do not receive a call, you may call our 24-hour answering service at (610) 439-9417.
Most medication may be taken with a few sips of water on the morning of the procedure. You will be instructed by the office as to which medications should be avoided.
Due to the sedation given for the procedures, you are not permitted to drive yourself home. The hospital makes no exception to this rule.
The procedure usually takes about 20-30 minutes. Total time from arrival to the hospital until your departure is approximately two hours.
For general questions complete contact information form
or call the office at (610) 439-9417.