

Published in the following research

  1. Azimuddin K, Khubchandani IT, Stasik JJ, Rosen L, Riether RD. RECTALPROLAPSE. Search For The Best Operation. The American Surgeon, 2001; 67:622-627.
  2. Rosen L. WHO IS HIGH RISK FOR COLORECTAL CANCER? Men’s Health Magazine, Nov 2001, pp 62-63.
  3. Azimuddin K, Riether R, Stasik J, Rosen L, Khubchandani I, Reed J. TRABSANA LAPAROSCOPIC MICROSURGERY FOR EXICISION OF RECTAL LESIONS: Technique and Initial Results. Surgical Laparoscopy, Endoscopy & Percutaneous Techniques, 2000; 10:6, 372-378.
  4. Azimuddin K, Rosen L, Khubchandani IT, Stasik JJ, Riether RD. NEOPLASIA AFTER URETEROSIGMOIDOSTOMY. Diseases of the Colon and Rectum, Dec. 1999;42:1632-1638.
  5. Gorski T, Khubchandani IT, Stasik JJ, Riether RD. RETRORECTAL CARCINOID TUMOR. Southern Mededical Journal, April 1999;92:417-420.
  6. Lucha P, Rosen L, Olenwine, JA, Reed, JF, Riether, RD, Stasik JJ, Khubchandani, IT. Value of CARCINOEMBRYONIC ANTIGEN MONITORING in Curative Surgery for Recurrent Colorectal Carcinoma. Diseases of the Colon and Rectum, 1997;40:145-149.
  7. Khubchandani IT. Evolution and Current Practice of PULL-THROUGH PROCEDURES. Journal of Pelvic Surgery, 1996;2(3):116-121.
  8. Khubchandani IT. Stoma Retraction. In: Wexner SB and Vernava AM, eds. CLINICAL DECISION-MAKING IN COLORECTAL SURGERY. New York: Igaku-Shoin, 1995.
  9. Khubchandani IT. Simple solutions for SIMPLE COLORECTAL PROBLEMS. In: Atualizacao em Coloprocology. Aabr-Gama A and Barone B., eds. Sao Paulo, Brazil, 1995.
  10. Hicks TC, McGee GE, Opelka FG, Rosen L, Rothenberger DA. SOCIOECONOMIC ISSUES Facing Colon and Rectal Surgeons. Perspectives in Colon Rectal Surgery, 1995; 8(1):13-25.
  11. Sangwan YP, Rosen L, Clark D, Brown CL, Stasik JJ, Riether RD, Sheets JA, Khubchandani IT. The Role of CT SCAN AND CONTRAST ENEMA IN EVALUATION OF ACUTE DIVERTICULITIS. Coloproctology, 1994; 16:226-237.
  12. Khubchandani IT, Kontostolis S. Outcome of ILEORECTAL ANASTOMOSIS IN AN INFLAMMATORY BOWEL DISEASE SURGERY Experience of Three Decades. Archives of Surgery, 1994; 129(8):866-869.
  13. Green JD, Khubchandani IT. MALIGNANT STROMAL NEOPLASM of the Rectum. Coloproctology, 1993;15(5):266-270.
  14. Khubchandani IT. Role of the ILEORECTAL ANASTOMOSIS for Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Moreira, H, ed. Editora Escaleno, LTDA, 1993.
  15. Rosen L, Reed JF, Calkins BM. Concordance of FAMILIAL CHARACTERISTICS IN CROHN’S DISEASE AND ULCERATIVE COLITIS. Diseases of the Colon Rectum, 1992;35:405-410.
  16. Rosen L. Leon Ginzburg: 1899-1988. Diseases of the Colon and Rectum, 1992; 35:273-276.
  17. Rosen L. DETECTION OF COLORECTAL NEOPLASMS: One School of Thought. Seminars in Colon & Rectal Surgery, 1991;2:284-291.
  18. Rosen L. ANTIBIOTIC-ASSOCIATED COLITIS. Perspectives of Colon Rectal Surgery, 1991;4:205-217.
  19. Kofsky P, Rosen L, Reed J, Tolmie M, Ufberg D. CLOSTRIDIUM DIFFICIL A Common and Costly Colitis. Diseases of the Colon and Rectum, 1991; 34:244-248.
  20. Reed JF, Faust LA, Rosen L. Assessment of Disease Activity in a REGISTRY OF CROHN’S DISEASE PATIENTS in eastern Pennsylvania. Gastroenterology, 1991;29:378-382.
  21. Gardner T, Khubchandani IT. Inflammatory FIBROID POLYP of the Ileum. Coloproctology, 1991;4:232-235.
  22. Sheikh FA, Khubchandani IT. PROPHYLACTIC URETERIC CATHETERS in Colon Surgery: How Safe Are They? Diseases of the Colon and Rectum, 1990;33:508-510.
  23. Ustynoski KR, Lucke JF, Rosen L, Sheets JA, Stasik JJ, Riether RD, Khubchandani IT. Prognostic Factors Influencing Survival in ASTLER-COLLER C-1 COLON AND RECTAL CARCINOMA. Colo-proctology, 1990:12:265-268.
  24. Khubchandani IT, Karamchandani MC, Sheets JA, Stasik JJ, Rosen L, Riether RD. Metronidazole Vs. Erythromycin, Neomycin, and Cefazolin in PROPHYLAXIS FOR COLONIC SURGERY. Diseases of the Colon and Rectum, 1989;32:17-20.
  25. Khubchandani IT, Karamchandani MC, Kleckner FS, Sheets JA, Stasik JJ, Rosen L, Riether RD. MASS SCREENING FOR COLORECTAL CANCER. Diseases of the Colon and Rectum, 1989;32:754-758.
  26. Khubchandani IT, Sandfort MJ, Rosen L, Sheets JA, Stasik JJ, Riether RD. Current Status of ILEORECTAL ANASTOMOSIS for Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Diseases of the Colon and Rectum, 1989;32:400-403.
  27. Calkins BM, Reed JF, Rosen L. A FAMILY REGISTRY FOR INFLAMMATORY BOWEL DISEASE in Eastern Pennsylvania. Gastroenterology, 1989;96:A70.
  28. Calkins BM, Reed JF, Rosen L. FAMILY PATTERNS OF CROHN’S DISEASE in Eastern Pennsylvania: Preliminary Analysis. Gastroenterology, 1989;96:A71.
  29. Reed JF, Calkins BM, Rosen L. A Comparison of Factors Between INFLAMMATORY BOWEL DISEASE PROBANDS With and Without a Family History: Preliminary Analysis [Abstract]. American Journal of Gastroenterology, 1989;84:1194.
  30. Reed JF, Calkins BM, Rosen L. Potential Sex and Relationship Bias for FAMILIAL DISEASE Among Inflammatory Bowel Disease Probands in a Registry in Eastern Pennsylvania [Abstract]. American Journal of Gastroenterology, 1989;84:1194.
  31. Khubchandani IT. Evolution of Surgical MANAGEMENT OF ULCERATIVE COLITIS. Diseases of the Colon and Rectum, 1989;32(11):911-917.
  32. Karamchandani MC, Khubchandani IT, Sheets JA, Stasik JJ, Rosen L, Riether RD. DOUBLE STAPLING TECHNIQUE for Low Anterior Resection. Colo-proctology, 1988;10:206-210.
  33. Reed JF III, Rosen L, D’Angelo CF. DEVELOPMENT OF INFLAMMATORY BOWEL DISEASE REGISTRY. Journal of Medical Systems, 1988;12:383-391.
  34. Kantarian JC, Rie18. Kantarian JC, Riether RD, Sheets JA, Stasik JJ, Rosen L, Khubchandani IT. ENDOSCOPIC RETRIEVAL OF FOREIGN BODIES From the Rectum. Diseases of the Colon and Rectum, 1987;30:902-904.
  35. Rosen L. Surgical treatment of SQUAMOUS CELL CANCER of the Anus. Cancer Forum, Fall 1987.
  36. Khubchandani IT, Karamchandani MC, Sheets JA, Stasik JJ, Rosen L, Riether RD. The BACON PULL-THROUGH Procedure. Diseases of the Colon and Rectum, 1987;30:540-544.
  37. Denstman F, Rosen L, Khubchandani IT, Sheets JA, Stasik JJ, Riether RD. Comparing Predictive Decision Rules in Postoperative CEA MONITORING. Cancer, 1986;58: 2089-2095.
  38. Karamchandani MC, Riether RD, Sheets JA, Stasik JJ, Rosen L, Khubchandani IT. NEPHROCOLIC FISTULA. Diseases of the Colon and Rectum, 1986;29: 747-749.
  39. Trivisonno DP, Riether RD, Sheets JA, Stasik JJ, Rosen L, Khubchandani IT. FOLLOWP-UP PROSPECTIVE STUDY OF CONTINUOUS HEPTAIC PERFUSION WITH IMPLANTBLE PUMP. Diseases of the Colon and Rectum, 1986;29:691-693.
  40. Karamchandani MC, Khubchandani IT. Bacon modified TWO STAGE PULL-THROUGH Revista Brasileira de Coloproctologia, 1986;6:101.
  41. Rosen L, Khubchandani IT, Sheets JA, Stasik JJ, Riether RD. Clinical and Manometric EVALUATION OF CONTINENCE After the Bacon Two-Stage Pull-Through Procedure. Diseases of the Colon and Rectum, 1985;28:232-234.
  42. Khubchandani IT, Stasik JJ, Nedwich A. Prospective SURVEILLANCE BY RECTAL BIPOSY Following Ileorectal Anastomosis for Inflammatory Disease. Diseases of the Colon and Rectum, 1982;25:343?347.
  43. Khubchandani IT. CREATING STOMAL AND RECTAL CONTINENCE. Coloproctology, 1982:192-195.
  44. Rosen L, Veidenheimer MC, Coller JA, Corman ML. Mortality, Morbidity, and Patterns RECURRENCE AFTER ABDOMINOPERINEAL RESECTION FOR CANCER OF THE RECTUM. Diseases of the Colon and Rectum, 1982;25:202-208.
  45. Rosen L, Fried G. Annular LIPOMA OF THE MESENTERY As an Unusual Cause of Small Bowel Obstruction. Mount Sinai Journal of Medicine, 1981; 48:140-141.
  46. Rosen L, Woldenberg D, Friedman IH. SMALL BOWEL OBSTRUCTION Secondary to Pericecal Hernia. Diseases of the Colon and Rectum, 1981;24:45-46.
  47. Khubchandani IT, Trimpi HD, Sheets JA, Stasik JJ, Balcavage CA. The MAGNETIC STOMA DEVICE: A Continent Colostomy. Diseases of the Colon and Rectum, 1981;24:344-350.
  48. Heron HC, Khubchandani IT, Trimpi HD, Sheets JA, Stasik JJ. Evanescent COLITIS. Diseases of the Colon and Rectum, 1981;24:555-561.
  49. Rosen L, Friedman IH. Morbidity and Mortality Following INTRAPERITONEAL CLOSURE OF TRANSVERSE LOOP COLOSTOMY. Diseases of the Colon and Rectum, 1980;23:508-512.
  50. Khubchandani IT, Trimpi HD, Sheets JA, Stasik JJ, Kleckner FS. ILEORECTAL ANASTOMOSIS FOR ULCERATIVE AND CROHN’S COLITIS. American Journal of Surgery, 1978;135:751-756.
  51. Matta MK, Prorok JJ, Trimpi HD, Sheets JA, Stasik JJ, Khubchandani IT. DHA SYNDROME CAUSED BY PHEOCHROMOCYTOMA: Report of a Case. Diseases of the Colon and Rectum, 1978;21:297-301.
  52. Khubchandani IT. The dilemma of preservation of the rectum: ILEORECTAL ANASTOMOSIS After Total Abdominal Colectomy. Diseases of the Colon and Rectum, 1977;20:649-651.
  53. Trimpi HD, Khubchandani IT, Sheets JA, Stasik JJ. Advances in INTESTINAL ANASTOMOSIS: Experimental Study and An Analysis of 984 Patients. Diseases of the Colon and Rectum, 1977;20:107-117.
  54. Khubchandani IT, Trimpi HD, Sheets JA. LOW END-TO-END RECTOENTERIC ANASTOMOSIS WITH SINGLE-LAYER WIRE. Diseases of the Colon and Rectum, 1975;18:308?310.
  55. DeProphetis N, Khubchandani IT. COLIC ANGINA AND GANGRENE OF THE TRANSVERSE COLON in Polycythemia Vera: Case Report and Review of Literature. Diseases of the Colon and Rectum, 1969;12:142-146.
  56. Khubchandani IT. Cancer of the rectum: THE PULL-THROUGH OPERATION. Journal of Indial Medical Association, 1967;48:486-489.
  57. Khubchandani IT. Evolution of SURGICAL TREATMENT OF CANCER OF THE CANCER OF THE RECTUM. Indian Journal of Surgery, 1966;28:535-48.
  58. Khubchandani IT, Bacon HE. Bilateral Hypogastric ARTERIAL LIGATION in Abdominoperineal Rectal Excision: A Report of 500 Cases. The Pennsylvania Medical Journal, 1965;68:25-33.
  59. Khubchandani IT. World Incidence of Cancer of Large Intestine: Importance of EARLY DIAGNOSIS. Journal of the International College of Surgeons, 1965;43:428-437.
  60. Khubchandani IT, Bacon HE. Complete PROLAPSE OF THE RECTUM AND ITS TREATMENT. Archives of Surgery, 1965;90:337-340.
  61. Khubchandani IT, Bacon HE. MALIGNANT DEGERNERATION IN ULCERATIVE COLITIS: A Case Report. Diseases of the Colon and Rectum, 1965;8:201-204.
  62. Khuchandani IT, Bacon HE. ADENOCARCINOMA OF THE RECTUM: A Case of 30 Years Survival. Diseases of the Colon and Rectum, 1964;7:270-272.
  63. Phalakornkul C, Khubchandani IT, Pezzutti JE, Bacon HE. USE OF IODIZED SUTURE to Prevent Implantation of Tumor in Large Bowel Anastomoses: Experimental Study. Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand, 1964;47:617-628.
  64. Khubchandani IT. COLLATERAL CIRCULATION Following Hypogastric Ligation, Arteriographic Study. Journal of the International Surgical Society 1964.
  65. Khubchandani IT. PROLAPSE OF RECTUM in India. Postgraduate Medical Journal, India, 1964.
  66. Bacon HE, Khubchandani IT. The Rationale of Artoiliopelvic Lymphadenopathy and HIGH LIGATION OF THE INFERIOR MESENTERIC ARTERY for Carcinoma of the Left Half of the Colon and Rectum. Surgery of Gynecolology Obstetrics, 1964;119:503-508.
  67. Khubchandani IT. Current Status of CHEMOTHERAPY FOR CANCER with Special Reference to the Colon and Rectum. The Indian Journal of Surgery, 1964;26:479?487.
